

Many girls prefer to use pads when they first get their period, but you can choose pads or tampons. Tampons are great for sport or swimming, and generally become more popular once girls get the hang of having their periods. If you’re new to tampons you could try a U By Kotex® mini tampon which is smaller than the others.

One thing your family and friends might notice is any mood swings you get, but these are perfectly normal. Some girls worry that others might be able to 'smell' their period, while it’s true that menstrual blood does have a slight aroma it’s nothing anyone else will notice as long as you shower and change your pads regularly.

The start of the menstrual cycle varies from girl to girl so if you're late don’t worry! While most girls get their first period around the ages of 12 or 13, some can be as young as 9 or as old as 16 (occasionally up to 18). If you do have concerns speak to your parents who can sort a visit to the doctor to help ease your mind.

Not necessarily! Irregular periods are very common; in fact a third of all girls have to deal with irregular periods. If you just started getting periods, don’t worry if they're sometimes late, as you get older they start to arrive like clockwork. There are other causes of irregular periods including hormones, stress, STI’s (sexually transmitted infections) and pregnancy. If you think STI’s or pregnancy could be the cause of your irregular period, head to the doctor as soon as you can.

There are lots of products available to use at each stage of your period which will help prevent any leakage. There is actually a rhythm to your flow. It's usually pretty light at the beginning and then around day 2-3 it's the heaviest, so knowing that can help you plan what products you need. Sanitary products like tampons, pads and liners come in a range of absorbencies. This is so you can use the ‘super’ absorbency products for heavy days, ‘regular’ for medium flow and ‘mini’ for light days. For added protection against leaks you can always wear a liner with a tampon so that if leaking occurs you are still protected.

Spotting is when a small amount of blood passes through the vagina between periods. Spotting can be quite normal and may occur in the couple of days after your period, or in the middle of your cycle. If you experience spotting it’s best to use U by Kotex® Everyday Freshness Liners which are designed for days between your period when you don’t need much absorbency.

Tampons, pads and liners: what’s the best option to keep you feeling comfortable during that time of the month? Well, it’s totally up to you. You can try using tampons, pads or liners on their own, or a mixture of all three for the ultimate protection. Tampons are worn on the inside of your body, while pads and liners are worn on the outside of your body. Your choice is all about what will make you feel most comfortable and how heavy your flow is during that time of the month.

You've probably heard a million terrible jokes about PMS. PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome), also known as PMT (Pre-Menstrual Tension), can have a real negative effect on your mood. You might get cranky and moody for no apparent reason. Don’t fret – your hormones are going a bit crazy because your period is on its way. You may also be moody because of the period pain. It’s also common to have tender breasts around the beginning of menstruation. Another common period symptom is the pain in your stomach, back or thighs that is caused by menstrual cramps (often also referred to as period pain).
All these symptoms are perfectly normal and natural. Some girls suffer more than others. If you don’t notice these symptoms then count yourself lucky! But if these symptoms are so bad that you can’t focus on anything else, make sure you get help from your doctor. There are ways to ease the pain and make yourself feel more comfortable.

It can be pretty gross, but those spots are just the ejected blood from the lining of your womb. The blood could look anywhere from bright red to dark brown, which is perfectly normal. The amount of menstrual blood you have is different for each woman but most have heavier bleeding at the start, and then it lightens up until it’s all done. Sanitary products like tampons, pads and liners come in a range of absorbencies. This is so you can use the ‘super’ absorbency products for heavy days, ‘regular’ for medium flow and ‘mini’ for light days.

Of course not! Having your period shouldn't prevent you from doing anything, the more active you are actually helps in reducing period cramps! U by Kotex® offers a wide range of products to ensure however wild your plans are you're protected throughout the month! Whether it be tampons, pads or liners U By Kotex® has something for you. So period or not, you can do anything!

Around 1 in 3 girls experience an irregular period at some point – it’s actually pretty common and normally not a reason to worry! An irregular period is any type of bleeding that is unusual when compared to your normal cycle. This can include a late period, an early period or bleeding between periods. If you have just started to get your period then don’t worry if it’s a little irregular, as you get older they start to arrive like clockwork. Normally irregular periods correct themselves over time, however if you have had irregular periods for a year or more, it is best to get some advice from your doc as there could be an underlying illness causing the problem.
There are other causes of irregular periods including hormones, stress, STIs (sexually transmitted infections) and pregnancy. If you think a STI or pregnancy could be the cause of your irregular period, head to the doctor as soon as you can.

There's nothing worse than being caught off guard by your period! It’s best to keep some products in your bag for when it arrives. We recommend the U by Kotex® Ultrathin Pads (an easy option) or try tampons – starting with the smaller ones is usually easier as they tend to be less difficult to insert.
Getting your first period doesn’t need to be a big drama – so get organised, not worried! Remember that you’re not the first or the last woman to go through rite of passage, even though it may feel like a big change!

Girls can start their periods (also referred to as menstruation) any time between 8 and 18 years old, but most girls start their menstrual cycle between the ages of 11 and 14. You might have mixed emotions about getting your period. Some girls can’t wait to start their periods and feel left out if they haven’t got theirs, especially if all their girlfriends have. Whereas other girls would be perfectly happy to be get theirs at an older age. There is no way to make your period come sooner or delay it from happening. Don’t panic if you haven’t started your period yet – it will happen when your body is ready.

Your period marks the beginning of your menstrual cycle which on average lasts around 28 to 30 days, but as none of us are the same this can range from 21 to 35 days. Your actual period (when you bleed) will last for between 3 -5 days. When your period starts it’s a good idea to make a note of the date (you can even download a smartphone app for it!) which will help you figure out your menstrual cycle and when next to expect your period. Simple!

This is so that the pads stay clean and sanitary. Also, you don’t have to carry around a whole pack of ultra thin pads in your bag.

To make sure you stay fresh, it’s best to change your tampon roughly every four hours. You might need to change more often if you have a heavy flow, and never leave your tampon in for more than eight hours.

Pads are designed for use during your period; they are made of absorbent material which soak up the menstrual fluid to ensure you feel fresh and clean. They are available in different thicknesses and absorbencies for each stage of your period. Liners are similar to pads except much thinner and smaller, these are designed for use in between your period, or when your period is light. A slight vaginal discharge in between periods is perfectly normal and something U by Kotex® Everyday Freshness Liners can protect your favourite undies from.

Once menstrual fluid comes in contact with air, it can start to smell a bit icky – definitely not something you want! The aim of the game is to feel fresh all day long, so changing your pad every four hours or so is ideal. If you’ve got a heavier flow, then it may need to be changed more often. Every girl is different.

Around half of women in the world suffer from period pain, otherwise known as cramps, but the actual 'bleeding' part of your period doesn't hurt. Cramps are normally a dull ache just below your stomach and around your lower back, which you’ll experience during the lead up and first few days of your period. Cramps tend to affect younger woman and girls more and get less painful with age. There are a few things that you can do to help make your period cramps easier to bear. Treat yourself to a hot bath, or use a hot water bottle. Exercise, painkillers and vitamin supplements can also do a world of good.

Liners are perfect for keeping you fresh throughout the day, so every four hours or so is best.

The amount of blood you lose during a period varies from girl to girl; your flow may start out light, then get heavier, and then get lighter. Depending on the heaviness of your flow, you’ll lose between 2 to 6 tablespoons of blood each period although for some girls it can be as much as a cup. If you are concerned about the amount you are bleeding, the best thing to do is see you doctor for a quick check up.

Check regularly when you go to the bathroom. You might notice a feeling of wetness or dampness, occurrence of stains or the pad may feel heavy in your undies. These are all signs that the pad may be full. In this case, switch to a clean pad.

The aim of the game is to feel fresh all day long, so changing your pad every four hours or so is ideal. If you’ve got a heavier flow, then it may need to be changed more often. Every girl is different. Check regularly when you go to the bathroom. You might notice a feeling of wetness or dampness, occurrence of stains or the pad may feel heavy in your undies. These are all signs that the pad may be full. In this case, switch to a clean pad. The best way to know if your tampon needs changing is to give a light tug on the tampon string, if it starts to pull out easily then it's time to change, if not, it usually means you can leave it a bit longer. Just remember with tampons, 4 hours is about right, and don't leave one in for more than 8 hours.

You absolutely can! A proof way to keep track of your period is to mark it on a calendar. There are plenty of smartphone apps available which can track your period. This will help you figure out how long your menstrual cycle is, which will help you predict when your next period is due. You do have to deal with menstruation, but you don’t have to let it catch you by surprise.

A nice warm hot water bottle will help; in fact, any kind of heat is probably going to ease this ache, so a nice relaxing bath will also help reduce the pain you are feeling from any period cramps. Having your period is the best reason to get pampered. Because  let's face it, you deserve it!  Exercise is also a great way to relieve period cramps as it helps relieve stress and tension in muscles. There are lots of over the counter painkillers that help with period cramps, a quick visit to your pharmacy or even local supermarket should kit you out perfectly. If your period cramps are really sore, so much so that you can’t go to school or do everyday things, you should go see your doc. They might even prescribe the Contraceptive Pill which has also been known to regulate periods and make period cramps less severe. 

Hormones cause the physical changes to our body during puberty as well as the emotional changes we experience. Different hormones are released into our body during puberty which causes your body shape to change, breasts to grow, periods to begin as well as affecting our feelings and emotions. You may be feeling on top of the world one day but lousy the next, and you won’t be able to figure out why. Don’t worry – it’s normal to be confused by the effects your hormones are having on you. It is important to maintain good nutrition so that you can avoid hormonal imbalance and mood swings. And just remember, puberty doesn’t last forever!

The vagina is the passage that connects a girls reproductive system (uterus) to the outside of her body.  The vagina is where your monthly menstrual fluid leaves your body, as well as where a baby leaves the mothers body at the end of pregnancy. It is also where the penis enters the female body during sex and where you'd place a tampon during your period. 

Your period is one stage of your menstrual cycle which is part of the female reproductive system, ultimately it’s about having children. Although having babies is probably the last thing on your mind right now, that’s exactly what your body is preparing for! When you reach puberty your ovaries will begin to ripen eggs and release these each month which travel down to the uterus (womb). The lining of the uterus thickens so it can provide nutrients for a fertilised egg. If the egg is not fertilised (during sex), the extra lining of the uterus will break down and come out through the vagina – which is your period, ta-da! 

Not long enough, for some of us. On average, a menstrual cycle lasts around 28 to 30 days, but because we’re all different, a cycle can range from 21 to 35 days. Days 1-7 is when the bleeding will happen so you'll need to use either a tampon or pad during these days. The flow will be heavier at the beginning and become much lighter towards the end of this stage. Then the cycle starts all over again. 

Removing tampons is easy. Just pull the string at the same angle in which you inserted the tampon. If you ever lose the string, it’s not the end of the world, get into a squatting position and gently remove the tampon with your fingers.

Most girls get their first period around the ages of 12 or 13, but some can be as young as 9 or as old as 16 (occasionally up to 18). There are some signs that will indicate your period might be on it's way such as white vaginal discharge (which is perfectly normal!), cramps in your lower stomach and back, mood swings (you might feel upset for no reason) and bloating. These are all perfectly normal and something you shouldn't be worried about. Your period will come once puberty has started, so you may notice other signs first, like developing breasts, pubic hair and pimples as well a rapid growth in your height and weight.

Used tampons make for terrible fish food, so never flush them down the loo. You should wrap your used tampon in toilet paper and place it in the bin. Public toilets should provide special sanitary bins in each cubicle which are there especially for this reason.

Pads should not be flushed down the toilet as they have a plastic backing on them (which is not biodegradable) and they may also block the plumbing system. Schools and public toilets will usually provide special sanitary bins, so place your used pads in there (wrap it in toilet paper first, as the sticky side may get stuck to the bin door). If you can’t find one of these special bins (you probably won’t have one at home), don’t fret, just wrap the pad in toilet paper (or put it in a bag) and then pop it in the bin.

If you hold a tampon and pull really hard on the string, you’ll find that it’s nearly impossible to break. If you can’t find the string whilst the tampon is inside you, the tampon can be easily removed by inserting a finger and thumb into the vagina and pulling it out. Remember to relax and stand in the same position that you used to insert it and it should be easy. If you still can’t remove the tampon, see your doctor the same day.

Puberty is when a girls or boys body starts to change in preparation for adulthood. Puberty is different for everyone - different girls develop at different stages. There are a number of changes which will let you know that puberty has started for you, such as rapid growth in height and weight, developing breasts, pubic hair and pimples (bummer!). You can checkout a full list of the changes in our Female Puberty section.

If you know your period is due, it’s a good idea to wear a U by Kotex® Liner  just in case. If you do get caught by surprise, ask one of your friends if they have a pad or tampon, or talk to your teacher or school nurse. Most schools have a few spares. If all else fails, pop some folded tissue or toilet paper in your undies until you can get a pad or tampon.

The good news is, they don't last forever. The bad news is, they're here for a while. On average, a menstrual cycle lasts around 28 to 30 days, give or take a few days (everyone's unique!). There are two reasons that periods stop - pregnancy and menopause. During pregnancy, periods will stop until sometime after the birth of the baby. Menopause is a time in life when older women (40 to 55 years) stop having periods and can no longer become pregnant.

Cramps are a completely normal part of becoming a woman. They're caused by the hormone Prostaglandins which causes your uterus to contract so that it’s easier for the extra lining that your uterus has built up (in preparation for a possible pregnancy that didn’t happen this month) and egg to exit your body in the form of your period. These cramps normally start right before you get your period and are at their worst about a day after you first start feeling sore. There are a few things that you can do to help make your period cramps easier to bear such as a hot water bottle, a hot bath, exercise, painkillers and taking vitamin supplements.

Yes, a tampon does not affect your virginity. The hymen that partially covers the vaginal opening (usually intact for girls who have not had sex) is large enough to accommodate a tampon without being affected.

Yes, you’ll need to use a tampon if you want to go swimming rather than a pad. So if you wanted to use your period as an excuse to get out of PE, bad luck. In fact, staying active can actually help reduce cramps! It’s best to insert a fresh tampon just before you go swimming and then change it once you’re out of the water.

YES! You can most definitely get pregnant by having unprotected sex during your period. Having unprotected sex is dangerous as you can get STIs (sexually transmitted infections) some of which will never go away. The risk of pregnancy and STIs should be enough to convince you and your partner to always use protection no matter what time of the month it is!

Not a chance. The cervix (the opening to your uterus) is too small for a tampon to fit through so there’s no need to stress.

Yes, you can use a liner when you have your period, but only if your flow is really, really light. It’s best to use a U by Kotex® Ultrathin pad (they’re really thin), or a tampon as they provide the best protection while you have your period. Liners can be used as a back up in your undies if you’re using a tampon. Everyday Freshness Liners are best for keeping you fresh, confident and protected in-between periods.

Liners should not be flushed down the toilet as they have a plastic backing on them (which is not biodegradable) and they may also block the plumbing system. Schools and public toilets usually provide special sanitary bins, so place your used liners in there (wrap it in toilet paper first, as the sticky side may get stuck to the bin door). If you can’t find one of these special bins (you probably won’t have one at home), don’t fret, just wrap the liner in toilet paper (or put it in a bag) and then pop it in the bin.

Like all tampons in Australia, our U by Kotex® tampons can be used for up to 8 hours, but not any longer. So, while it IS possible to wear a tampon overnight, we know that everyone has different absorbency needs, as well as different sleep patterns (let’s face it, we all like a sleep in sometimes!) so we do not recommend using a tampon overnight. Because of this, we have specifically designed our U by Kotex Overnight Ultrathins for you to use overnight without having to worry, so you can get your beauty sleep without disruption.

Most certainly, continuing your daily hygiene routine is important during your period to help keep you feeling fresh and comfortable. You may want to wear a tampon in the bath but it’s perfectly fine not to as most of the time you won’t leak. Having a bath actually helps with period cramps, as well as making you feel nice and relaxed!