Period Planet

Want to learn more about puberty and periods? Welcome to Period Planet. An adventure game where you will demystify the menstrual cycle, bust through stigmas and conquer uncertainty with the power of knowledge. There’s even special freebies for our Period Planet heroes at the end!

Visit Period Planet

Frequently Asked Questions

Period planet is an immersive adventure game where players are asked to unlock 4 different stages with the aim to help users understand all things period related. Each stage the player will learn about period management (how long do periods lasts? Period color), misconceptions and right product usage answered through a fun and interactive game play.

Girls who are about to or have recently experienced their first period will benefit from gaining more understanding about what period is, puberty, and the changes that happen in their body.

  • We have three rewards for you at the end of your game. The first being a hero avatar that you had personalised and journeyed with to complete all stages in Period Planet, is available for download or to share with your friends.
  • The second would be the opportunity to help better manage your periods with our Period Tracker app that allows you to effortlessly track your period symptoms and dates, get personalised content and have the ability to set reminders to make period pain and period cramps more manageable
  • Lastly, we are also giving out free liners and pads samples to ensure you have the right product for the right occasion