Free Samples

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Just choose a product and wait by the mailbox! Keep in mind that each size has an annual limit per household. Some of the rules about free samples have changed, which means we can't offer samples of our tampons for free anymore. Sorry girl! You can still grab them in store.
3 Products
UBK Ultrathins Pads-Regular and Super
U by Kotex Ultrathins Pads – Regular and Super

U by Kotex Ultrathin Regular and Super pads with wings have unique 5 in 1 protection to keep you feeling dry and comfortable

U by Kotex Teen Ultrathin Pads
U by Kotex Teen Ultrathin Pads

U by Kotex® Teen Ultrathin Regular and Super Pads are a smaller fit for better protection so you keep feeling dry and comfortable.

U by Kotex Liner Sample Kit
U by Kotex Liner Sample Kit

U by Kotex® Ultrathin Regular and Super Pads with wings have unique 5 in 1 protection to keep you feeling dry and comfortable.

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